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I can`t write something meaningful,
How desperate I feel today.
I can`t write a single sentence anymore,
`Cause I`ve got nothing more to say.

I`m just staring out of the window –
Oh yes, I would like to fly away.
And I would like to forget you,
And kick you out of my gloomy thoughts.

I`m staring to the screen –
I don`t know what to write.
I would like to forget my dearest wish,
`Cause my heart is splitting into pieces,
that I hold bleeding in my hands.

I can`t write a poem of love – on Valentine`s Day.
I can`t give you my broken heart – on such a rosy day.

But these lines I can send to you, wherever you are.
I send my feelings to you, my secret valentine, whoever you are.


Unverkäufliches Gedicht von Doreen Gehrke. Die Verwendung dieses Gedichts, ob nun auszugsweise oder in vollem Umfang, ist ohne schriftlicher Zustimmung von Doreen Gehrke urheberrechtswidrig. Auch eine Übersetzung des Gedichts sowie die Verwendung in elektronischen Systemen ist strafbar.